Athlete of the Month


Hannah Rojo
Junior at Austin High School
Crenshaw Athletic Club Optional Girls Team, Level 10

Here’s what Coach Sierra Nevels had to say about Hannah:

I’m choosing Hannah because she is the best athlete a coach can want. I have never had any problems with Hannah – she comes in always ready to work and get better, with no complaints ever. She is such a nice and sweet person just wanting to better her craft. I’m excited to see her transformation over the years and where she will end up for college.

Here’s what Hannah had to say about training at ASF:

In what ways has your athletic performance or physique improved? Since I’ve started training with Sierra, I have noticed my strength, especially in my legs, increase. This has allowed me to be more powerful during my tumbling and vaulting in the gym. My whole body has benefited from weight training and I seem to have less injuries the more I train.

What keeps you motivated to keep training with Sierra? After each workout with Sierra, I feel accomplished and proud of the work that I put in that day. Sierra pushes me to challenge myself during my workouts, which is a rewarding feeling that keeps me motivated to continue my training.

What have you learned about lifting and nutrition to improve health and performance? Sierra has taught me that my form is the most important thing when it comes to lifting. Learning this has helped me both at Austin Simply Fit as well as at my gym. She has also taught me ways to maintain my strength during an injury, when I am not allowed to participate in all of the events at gymnastics practice.

What are your plans for the future? I hope to compete gymnastics at the collegiate level and to continue getting stronger during weight training.


Learn more about the Athletic Development and Performance program.

If you know a student athlete who could benefit from training under Coach Sierra Nevels, send them our way! Click here to book a fitness consultation and complimentary first workout!