Athlete of the Month



Once again, consistency is the name of the game for these two amazing athletes! Deborah Lykins and Steve Folberg have made training a part of their lives for years, and in that time, through a lot of hard work, have built their strength and confidence in the gym and in life. We are inspired and motivated by their stories, and we’re so proud of what they have done and all that is to come! Congrats!


ASF Central: Steve Folberg

From Steve’s trainer, Dan Behnfeldt:

I chose Steve for Athlete of the Month because of his hard work, and the consistency he has shown with his training. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Steve three days a week for the last year. He has made a lot of progress in that time. His technique, strength, and confidence in the gym has improved dramatically over the last year. He has noticed himself feeling stronger and more confident while doing daily activities, which used to be more challenging. We have been able to introduce barbells to his training sessions for the first time which is a big accomplishment.

I’m excited to see what the future holds for Steve and his training.


Steve answered a few questions about his experience:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer at ASF?
It’s important to both like and trust your trainer, and that’s how I feel about Dan. He is methodical and professional, and is able to push me to do more challenging work, all with a light, friendly touch.

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
I am proud that I’ve stuck with regular exercise for more than three years, the first time in my entire life that I’ve worked our regularly. I’m proud that I can now do things I couldn’t have done when I started.

What are you looking forward to?
Actually lifting weights (barbells) like a real athlete!



ASF South: Deborah Lykins

From Deb’s trainer, John DeLaPaz:

I have had the pleasure of training Deborah since August of 2015. When we started working together, one of her primary goals was to relieve her chronic back pain, caused by the many hours she logs on the computer for work. After a lot of hard work building up her core strength and developing new movement patterns, she has left that issue as a distant memory.

I also remember asking her if she had any aesthetic goals she’d like to work on. She said losing some inches from her midsection would be great, but never felt that was very obtainable, while being a busy mom of three. Over the last few months, because of a health scare, Deb was forced to make some major changes to her diet and in doing so has dropped 14 pounds. It’s opened her eyes to what she is capable of and I couldn’t be happier for her. She is choosing to take control of her health and nutrition, which for most is the hardest part of the equation. She is still an amazing mother and wife, but has prioritized her needs, so that she can live her life to the fullest.

Here’s what Deb told us about her experience:

What do you enjoy most about working with your trainer at ASF?
I enjoy the friendship we have formed over all the years of training and the support and guidance I get from John. He guides me in my goals and holds me accountable. I have to make so many decisions in my daily life – it is nice to be able to go to the gym and give over all the decision making to John. He tells me what I am doing that day and I just do it. I also enjoy going to the gym and seeing all the familiar faces of the other trainers and clients.

What have you been most proud of since you started training?
I am most proud of the consistency and duration of time that I have been lifting, closing in on 9 years! I think it is the consistency that has been instrumental in me being able to reach incremental goals over the years. I am definitely in better shape now than I was in my 20s.

What are you looking forward to?
Earlier this year I had a diagnosis where I was told I would need to be on medication for basically the rest of my life. This medication potentially causes damage when taken long term, and I didn’t feel comfortable with that solution. After researching various options I realized that I could also control symptoms through my diet and so I decided to try that instead. After a few months of eating within the diet, I no longer have symptoms and I have the added benefit of losing nearly 5 lbs of body fat and a couple inches around my waist. I am looking forward to seeing this continue and how eating healthier can affect other aspects of my life.


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