Athlete of the Month


Hadley Wright

Junior at Liberal Arts & Science Academy (LASA)
LASA Varsity Volleyball
Texas Fury Volleyball Club


Varsity Volleyball player Hadley Wright continues to grow in strength and ability thanks to her tireless drive and determination. Curious and hard working, Hadley impresses Coach Sierra Nevels every time she trains. We are so glad Hadley chose ASF to enhance her high school athletic experience, and we look forward to watching her career develop!

Coach Sierra told us why she chose Hadley:

Coaching Hadley has been a great honor. She’s so smart, dedicated and committed that it comes easy to be her coach. She’s determined to do and be her best. She’s always wanting to work and improve her craft and be her best, whether it’s on the volleyball court – she’s always asking her coaches questions and wanting feedback so she can perform to her best abilities – or whether it’s in the weight room with me, wanting to be better and do more on her own in her garage gym.

She’s been such a pleasure to coach and I’ve seen so much growth!

Here’s what Hadley thinks about her training:

In what ways has your athletic performance or physique improved? Since I started training at Austin Simply Fit’s Central Texas location, I’ve gotten stronger in every part of my body. My vertical is higher, my arm swing is more powerful, and I can move faster for much, much longer.

What keeps you motivated to keep training with Sierra? Every time I work with Sierra, I leave feeling tired but happy with my progress—because I AM making progress, and it’s inspiring. My goal this year is to get strong enough to make the top team at my volleyball club, and every day I train with Sierra is one day closer to completing that goal.

What have you learned about lifting and nutrition to improve health and performance? One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned while with Sierra is that sleep is really, really important. I’ve come in a few times after getting only a few hours of sleep and been completely exhausted. It set me back and I had to work really hard to get back on track.

What are your plans for the future? I’m making plans to play volleyball in college as an outside/DS. As an army brat, playing my sport has been difficult, as I’ve moved so much that I’ve never been able to stay with the same team or coaches. I’ve learned to adapt, though, and I hope to keep improving my skills throughout high school.


Learn more about the Athletic Development and Performance program.

If you know a student athlete who could benefit from training under Coach Sierra Nevels, send them our way! Click here to book a fitness consultation and complementary first workout!