Athlete of the Month

OSCAR RANGEL: ASF South Athlete of the Month – August 2017

Oscar is the ideal client. He came to ASF at the beginning of summer needing to change his lifestyle around due to his high blood sugar. He has a very physically demanding lifestyle, but outside of his job and taking care of his horses, he wasn’t very active. Since he started, he has never missed a session and works his butt off every time he comes in. Not only that, but he does everything his trainer asks of him outside of the gym, too. He has changed his diet by adding more vegetables, keeping up with water intake, and getting in the proper amount of protein to support his gains (aka. muscles).

He also dedicates time to cardio to supplement his weight training we do by doing at least three 30 minute interval sessions on his elliptical a week. He improves every session, both in strength and conditioning.

His trainer Amanda said, “All of his hard work really show, he has lost over 20lbs since starting at ASF in late May. He is starting to fit in clothes that he has never been able to before and his confidence radiates when he talks about how much better he feels. Every time I work with him and I reminded of how lucky I am to be a trainer, and especially his trainer. Clients like Oscar are the reason I chose this career path.”


How old are you?
I’m 41 years old

What do you do for work/ in your professional life?
I manage and own a construction company.

How long have you been working out at ASF?
I’ve been at ASF since May 2017

Why did you decide to join ASF?
I decided to make a meaningful change in my life. Mainly to better my health.

What were your goals when you started?
My only goal was to lose weight.

How close are you to meeting them?
I’m halfway there.

What changes have you noticed in your body, mind, spirit since starting at ASF?
I’ve notice a major change in my weight, I feel stronger and more optimistic. The training has really helped my self-confidence.

What challenges have you had to overcome, if any, since starting out at ASF?
I’ve been able to consistently find the will to wake up and work-out. Which before it seemed almost impossible to maintain the routine.

Any surprises since starting at ASF?
I feel like my self-motivation has increased. I find myself excited to fell the sourness of working out.

Why do you like working out with Amanda?
She’s beyond the best person who I could have as my trainer. She has helped both physically and emotionally to surpass my insecurities during my work outs. She helps my step my step which helps me learn about myself. Her motivational speeches have made this process a lot easier for me.

What is it about Amanda/ASF that keeps you coming back?
The gym itself has helped, but it really has been about Amanda. Amanda has a simple way of encouraging me to keep fighting for my goal.

What are your goals & plans for the future at ASF?
To maintain this new lifestyle changes, get to my ideal weight and to be lean and fit.

What is your favorite food?
Peanut butter

Any advice you’d share with a newcomer to ASF?
Give this gym a try, follow your trainer’s instructions. They will do what is best for you to succeed to achieve your goals.