Athlete of the Month

EDDIE RUSS: ASF Central Athlete of the Month – August 2017

Eddie Russ has been with ASF since the beginning, that’s 7 years! And this month, his trainer Krista has named him Athlete of the Month for ASF Central for his commitment to his health and to Austin Simply Fit.

Eddie has been not only a consistent client but a big part of the ASF community through his continued support. He always brings brings a ball of good energy in the door with him. It has been my pleasure as his friend and trainer to be part of this journey.

Krista said, “I appreciate the way he has made his training part of his lifestyle and has continued to benefit from taking the time from being a business owner, father, coach and husband to take take care of himself as well.”

Eddie giving Krista a solid flex in celebration of another kickass workout!


How old are you?
46 going on 26

What do you do for work/ in your professional life?
I am the owner of Soccer Shots. We introduce soccer to children ages 2-8 in parks and schools all over the city!

How long have you been working out at ASF?
7 years? (ask Kaos!) I was one of Krista’s first clients and we trained out of her house. We did step ups on her ottoman and I helped demolish her house with my medicine ball throws against the side of her house!

Why did you decide to join ASF?
Because Krista kicks ass!

What were your goals when you started?
Increase flexibility and core strength

How close are you to meeting them?
My goals are always changing

What changes have you noticed in your body, mind, spirit since starting at ASF?
I feel stronger than ever and my low back has been less painful

Why do you like working out with Krista?
Because she is fun, focused, and a great motivator

What is it about Krista/ASF that keeps you coming back?
The relaxed vibe.

What is your favorite food?
Tacos from Taco Deli.

Any advice you’d share with a newcomer to ASF?
Commit to a program and get your best!