
Austin Power Lifters to Compete in IPL World Powerlifting Championships

USPA Powerlifting AustinAustin Simply Fit is sending four athletes to compete in the International Powerlifting League’s World Championships to be held in Las Vegas November 6-10.

Representing Austin Simply Fit will be Brendan Morr (21), Mark Rogers (33), Bonnie Thomas (29) and Jeremy Schraw (25). In order to compete at the world level, each athlete had to meet vigorous qualification standards at USPA sanctioned event between November 2012 and October 2013. This will be each athlete’s first appearance at IPL Worlds. The athletes will have three attempts at three lifts (squat, bench and deadlift) with the goal of breaking personal records and taking home a World Title.

The team has been training over the past year under the direction of Austin Simply Fit Owner and longtime power lifter Mark Rogers. “I always feel a great sense of pride when my team performs well and reaches their goals,” said Rogers. “This will be a surreal experience, both coaching and competing on the world stage.”

Schraw, a full-time student with two jobs, hopes to set a personal record, lifting a total of 1925 lbs. For Morr, competing is all about growth and experience. Morr never expected to be a competitive power lifter. “If you told me back in January I would be competing in the world championships, I would have laughed,” Morr said.

Athlete Bonnie Thomas, one of a growing number of female power lifters, sees competing as an opportunity to learn from the other pro female athletes and perform her favorite lift, the deadlift, on an international stage. “This lift comes down to devotion and brute force to get the weight off the floor and locked out. It’s a rush.”  Thomas said.

Over the past year, obstacles have been overcome through a strong sense of teamwork to make it to the World Championships. The mantra they live by and will be taking with them to Las Vegas is simple, “We will not accept mediocrity.