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Kimi Adeigbe
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
ISSA CPR & AED Certified
NASM Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification L1 & L2

Hometown: Austin, Texas

What is your background?
Military Veteran turned Wellness Entrepreneur. I started by getting my own results with Herbalife Nutrition five years ago and coaching others through fit camps and online group challenges. I decided to hone in on my craft and add additional knowledge to the fitness side of my business. I loved what I was learning in my CPT course, so took it a step forward and began personal training. 

You also run ASF’s social media channels. Tell us about what you do in that role:

The social media role involves posting highlights of our clients and trainers monthly, keeping our current clients in the loop with any events or announcements happening at ASF, and creating a space for future trainers/clients to get a sneak peak at ASF.

I work closely with the PR and Marketing lead in hopes of capturing the essence of ASF and projecting those vibes on Instagram and Facebook.

Tell us about your current fitness goals and training.
My goals are to prevent injuries and strengthen my weaknesses from many years of wear and tear. I’ve focused on rehabbing my left shoulder after waking up to it being dislocated two years ago. Perfecting form, getting stronger and feeling good. My current goals include training and competing in my first powerlifting meet (2022 goal).

What is the most common fitness myth you work through with your clients?
Spot reduction of fat. (Toning and losing their stomach but keeping their glutes.)
I understand the mindset around losing fat in certain areas, but I let clients know that if they want to lose body fat in a certain area, they will need to focus on lowering their overall body fat percentage and gaining lean muscle mass in desired areas.

What do you want your clients to take away from each training session with you?
If we get stronger physically and mentally each session while having fun and actually enjoying the session, I’ve done my part in making your day, week, month, year, and life that much better. 

What sets you apart from other fitness professionals?
I enjoy the small wins and will point them out to my clients every time. They may not have felt like working out today but if they made it to their session, that’s a win. I am committed to my personal growth in my personal and professional life to add value to the client.

What is your favorite thing about Austin Simply Fit?
My favorite thing about ASF is the culture our owner (Krista) has created for us as trainers/employees. I enjoy coming to work each day because I get to be myself and earn a living helping others.

Favorite quote and who said it?
“How you do anything is how you do everything” – Simon Sinek (from Buddhist teachings)

If you had a superpower what would it be?
My super power would be the ability to teleport. I love traveling and seeing what the world has to offer, but time isn’t always on my side. I want to teleport and travel the world. Magic carpet would be nice too. Hehe.

Follow Kimi on IG: @Boka.bodied

Kimi highlights three hiking trails you might not have heard of but should definitely try. Read it here. 

Kimi Adeigbe has been a great trainer - observant, challenging me without overwhelming me and just generally being a great person to hang out with for 30 minutes while I lift increasingly heavy objects. I like the overall vibe of the place and really appreciate the diversity of shapes, sizes and ages of people there.

Rachel Deitch

Kimi Adeigbe is an amazing trainer. The best I’ve had thus far. I love how patient she is with me, how she listens to what my goals are and most importantly, how she’s able to train me with no pain!!! I see amazing results since training with her and the best part is I’M STRONGER!

Sabrina Wright