Athlete of the Month


Ms. Kathryn Kotrla is a 59 year old, retired psychiatrist who now runs a family holdings business. She was named our Leander Athlete of the Month by her Coach, Jen Andrew.

“She is always on board for hard work and trying new things,” Jen told us. “Having never done any strength training in her life before this, she is making impressive progress.”

“She is just super awesome, all around!” Jen finished.

Kathryn is working on strength, osteoporosis prevention, and a little rehab to with her ASF coaches. Kathryn was kind enough to answer a few questions for us about her ASF experience. Read what she said below.

How long have you been working out at ASF?
I’ve been working out at ASF since last fall.

Why did you decide to join ASF?
I knew Jen from Trybe yoga, and when she explained how weight training could reverse osteopenia, which I have, I wanted to give it a try. 

What were your goals when you started?
My goals were to do weight training, get stronger, and reverse my osteopenia.

How close are you to meeting them?
We’ll check on the osteopenia in August. I’ve come to love weight training and can see that I’ve gotten stronger in my daily activities and especially in yoga.

What changes have you noticed in your body, mind, spirit since starting at ASF?
My butt is pretty awesome now, according to my husband. I feel proud and stronger after doing weight training. I love to challenge myself physically. Having been a lifelong academic and book-worm, it’s so much fun to be exercising my body. I feel more grounded and better rounded.

What challenges have you had to overcome, if any, since starting out at ASF?
In December, I took a nasty fall and believe I pretty much smushed a chunk of my left anterior deltoid (sure it’s self-diagnosis, but I am a physician). We’ve been working steadily to rehab my arm, and it’s paying off in increased range of motion and strength.

Any surprises since starting at ASF?
It’s always a surprise to me to try something new at ASF and find out I can do it, and improve it.

Why do you like working out with Jen?
Jen is a wonderfully upbeat, caring, and funny person. She makes working out fun. It’s really impressive how thoughtful she is about what we do in our sessions. She’s extremely knowledgeable about training, and is just a pleasure to talk with, even when she’s slipping on more weights for me.

What is it about Jen/ASF that keeps you coming back?
Making palpable progress with Jen at ASF is addicting. It feels good. My body feels better. I never realized weight training could be such a fun thing to do!

What are your goals & plans for the future at ASF?
I plan to keep working with Jen at ASF indefinitely. As long as you’re open and I’m alive, I’ll be coming in.

What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is pasta. Always has been, always will be. Sigh. Thank goodness for exercise.

Any advice you’d share with a newcomer to ASF?
To a newcomer, I’d say check it out and do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of. You’re capable of a lot more than you think you are. You’ll love it.