
Gym Flow

Written by Krista Bergeron

At ASF, we love how this place feels like a second home to our coaches and clients. We want you to understand the ins and outs of training here so you get the most out of your workouts and feel comfortable sharing the space with the community. 

Warming up. We have noticed a lot more of you optimizing your training by doing your warm-ups when you walk in the door. We love to see it! Getting your body prepared ahead of time helps you get the most out of your training without having to spend part of your session warming up. 

Arrive 10-15 minutes early and try our recommended warm up protocol: 

  • Thread the Needle: 3 x 12 reps // 2010 tempo // :10 rest
  • Prone T’s (thumbs up): 3 x 15 reps // 2010 tempo // :10 rest
  • Deadbugs: 3 x 15 reps  // 2010 tempo // :10 rest
  • Hip Bridges: 3 x 15 reps // 2010 tempo // :10 rest

Please help share the space by taking your mat to a designated warm up area – at Central, this is in front of the big red A-Barbell, and for Southies it’s the open area in front of the restrooms, or outside in our backyard training area. Please help us care for the space by cleaning and returning your mat. 

Start your session on time. The program your coach has created for you is finely tuned to meet your specific goals while maximizing the efficiency of each session. To get in your prescribed reps and sets, you need to be ready and stay focused while you’re training. 

Finishing your sets. Even if you stay on task, you may end up with minimal C-series movements you want to complete after your 30 minutes with your coach has ended. We LOVE that you want to get your work in! We ask that you keep this to no more than 10-15 minutes after your session.

If you have work left to complete, please be conscious of the following: 

  • Clients who are in active sessions with a coach are prioritized on the equipment. You will be expected to defer to active sessions, or asked to move to another clear section of the gym. Please just be conscious of what is happening in the room and willing to work with others so we all get the best possible experience. 
  • If you are finishing up sets alone, we appreciate you knowing where to put away all equipment, including handles, dumbbells, boxes, etc. Please ask ANY ASF coach and they will happily let you know.
  • Please wipe down equipment with spray and paper towels, like you see the coaches do. 
  • If you are new to lifting technique, or not quite yet proficient, it may be best to keep your training within the session so that your coach can assure you will be productive and safe. 

Communication is key, so if you don’t know something, please don’t hesitate to ask! Anyone with an A-Barbell on can help direct you to a better spot or answer questions that are gym flow related. We are so happy you’re part of this community! Keep up the good work!