Athlete of the Month
Athletes of the Month – February 2018
Kerry is one of those people who always pushes herself to be better than she was the day before, something her coach and trainer recognized in her right away; between that and her consistency in the gym, we couldn’t think of a better athlete to give this honor to in February. “Kerry’s inner drive for constant growth has made her very successful in the gym,” said Lindsey Sampler, Kerry’s coach and trainer. “My favorite thing about her is that she sees the value of being strong and she gets excited at being more powerful. She texted me one day that she was lifting a bale of shavings for her horses and she couldn’t believe how light it felt.” She told me it was an awesome feeling and she loves feeling strong again.” We are seeing her confidence grow everyday, and believe her training in the gym is impacting her from the inside out. Kerry is a true testament of how training can empower all areas of life. Keep putting in the hard work, Kerry! Click here and read more about Kerry’s ASF experience.
Keri and KT have worked together since KT started coaching at Austin Simply Fit nearly two years ago. When Keri left to live overseas for a couple years she continued to live an active lifestyle. She came back to the states and to Austin Simply Fit to get ready for her wedding in December 2017. “Keri has been incredibly dedicated and consistent in her training and nutrition has been able to able to make some incredible changes,” said her coach and trainer KT. Now, with the wedding behind her Keri has set a new goal of getting on stage for a figure competition! Here’s what Keri has to say about her ASF experience.